
October Birthdays and Anniversaries, 2017

2 Bonnie Yough

3 Janet Blake

5 Leonard Villarreal

7 Dave Stroble

8 Ann Cain

8 Marvin Pierce

9 Betty Jolley

11 Kathy Mueller

18 Tom Friday

19 Jim Locke

21 Butch Yough

23 Twyla Woody

30 Tom Bainbridge

31 Clare Nonmacher

3 Harry & Glenda Ullery

15 Eugene & Julie Baca

19 Hurshel & Deana Haley

19 Tommy & Elaine Laughlin

27 Richard and Janice Zainfeld

28 April and Oscar Garcia

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since December 6, 2002
Submit information and photos to:
Steve Warr
24887 Tenn Oaks Road
Hockley, TX 77447
e-mail: swarr2@hotmail.com